Select your ‘share’ of the harvest

We provide folks in the Treasure Valley of Idaho the opportunity to purchase best quality beef, direct from our family ranch.

We raise Angus cattle with superior genetics that are known to be extremely healthy due to the environment they live in.

Our cattle are raised without any hormones, antibiotics, steroids or preservatives. They graze freely on our ranch pastures and select Owyhee mountain range.

Beef ‘Shares’ for Fall Coming Soon …

Never purchased a bulk beef ‘share’ before?

Imagine opening your freezer and finding best quality beef cuts, ready for your culinary endeavors! Our beef ‘shares’ offer quality, convenience, variety, and unbeatable flavor every single time you eat beef!

Buying in bulk is the best value and provides peace of mind for many weeks that quality, nutritious food is within a few steps. 😊

Bruce Ranch Beef CSA - Eat Locally Raised Beef

Bruce Ranch Beef CSA - Eat Locally Raised Beef