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We raise certified Black Angus cattle and work daily to provide them with the best life we can. Central to our goal is a steadfast commitment to delivery the highest quality beef.

Our cattle are pasture raised at our ranch and in the spring/summer graze on Owyhee mountain range. In the fall, the cattle return to the ranch and are fed with the crops (non GMO) we grow on our ranch including, natural meadow hay, alfalfa, and orchard grass.

All of our cattle are raised without any antibiotics or growth hormones. Our cattle are Global Animal Partnership (GAP) Level 4 wellness certified. This is GAP’s highest animal wellness standard for a cow/calf ranch.

We are able to ensure the quality of our beef due to the quality of food our cattle eat, the healthy environment they live in and the care they receive.  They enjoy a rich and varied diet, fresh air and water and plenty of space to roam.

Happy cows make the best quality beef and we are passionate about providing the best tasting beef while implementing the industry’s best practices for ethical agriculture.

Our grassfed/grass finished beef:

These beef cattle do NOT receive any grains or GMO feed and are brought to finish weight eating the crops we raise at our ranch. We grow all of our crops without pesticides or herbicides with the exception of the occasional year where we must treat alfalfa for weevils. This is the exception and not a yearly treatment.

Our grassfed/grain finished beef:

As they approach harvest, these beef cattle enjoy rations of grain in addition to their typical diet of grass and alfalfa hay. The grain contributes to more marbling in the beef for folks that are looking for beef with classic marbling.